Monday, October 4, 2010

Listerine Rinse Water

articles related to effective muscle building

Vince DelMonte writes always very good articles about muscle building:

Here's an article about

The Top 49, The I Have Learned in 2009

By Vince DelMonte
you really think that a muscle building diet has to be a painful process? Whether your goal now is to lose fat or build muscle - the right diet provides 80% of your results. As long as you do not understand, you are far away from seeing any results.
The good news is that your taste buds do not have to suffer if you do not want to. There are many ways to eat properly, without compromising make in terms of having to taste. If you think that muscle growth automatically means that you have to suffer and destroy a tuna can to the other or consume a protein shake after another in record time have to, you're on the wrong track.
Here's 49 things: first
Chin-ups are sometimes better than pulldowns. DAHH!

second You do not need a training partner to be wide (but it helps). You should be able to build at least your first 10 pounds of muscle alone.
third Biceps curls alone will not increase your biceps. Concentrate on bringing your whole body to grow, so grow your biceps.
4. John Berardi's "G-Flux" theory. Aka Energieflux (or energy turnover) is the relationship between energy intake and energy consumption. Basically, it is better to train more and more to eat, when to train hard and eat little.
5th Alwyn Cosgrove said: "A good program that is running poorly is worthless. A shitty program that runs excellent, is valuable. But when a good program is running excellent, the results are fantastic! "
6th The "Sporanos" and "24" are the best TV shows. I admit with pride that I did it to me an overdose of to spend 12 hours at a time Tony Sporano and Jack Bauer - several times. I do not regret a single episode!
7th Learning By Doing "- without talking about it. I'm tired of people who ask in forums: "What do you think this diet or that method of training?" How the hell should I know? Go and find `s self! rumzulabern Stop it! Do something!
8th Currently, the 2-man bench press more popular. You know what I mean. A man lowers the barbell to his chest, the other makes her deadlift while yelling, "You do it all alone, man,"
9th I hate people with no manners in the studio. The type example, the biceps curl on the squat rack makes. The type of lateral raise 1 cm in front of the dumbbell rack and blocks makes all the weights. The guy that loads at 500 pounds on the leg press and the disks will not back down. The guy who sweats the full bench, without wiping it off afterwards. I could go on telling the whole day ...
10th I hate wearing thin asparagus, the vests. Seriously. If your arm is not less than 38 cm, and then I'll see your puny arms does not arise. Keep them covered until you have worked the right to be able to show it.
11th People spend more money on it to make an exercise easier and easier. Check out only once the entire Late Night Advertisements to train in which whole groups of music - as in a dance class ...
12th Because I'm Canadian and Italian origin, for me it was absolutely fantastic, George St. Pierre to watch it as it comes Matt Hughes in the ass. This was the best UFC fight of the year! It was great to watch, like an Italian gets the World Cup and the glücklickste day of my life!
13th The Multi press is useless. Besides the fact that it prevents your body moves in a natural range of motion, it plays you more power than you actually have.
14th Only the results count. I do not care what you, another person, a book, or any claim of scientific articles - only the result counts.
15th It is possible to train regularly throughout the year, without changing the look! The majority of the people makes it so. You will look like next year as well as now.
16th Either true or not. My father has given me this for my physical, intellectual and spiritual journey.
17th Just take the advice of someone on who has trained himself at a high level, or by someone who lives off others to train at a high level.
18th A complete program includes the correct sequence of movements, cardio, strength training, stretching, prevention training against injury, basic exercises and recovery phases. Most training programs cover, at best, from only 2 of these areas.
19th I heard someone say, "workouts, which include the whole body, to 80-90% of optimal for 90% of the population. Workouts that include only part of the body are capable of 10-20% for 10% of the population.
20th Speak less and listen to it all the more. If you are a true disciple, you will prefer to hear the voice of your teacher as your own. You learn not, as you yourself say.
21st Over 70% of dietary supplements on the market have an absorption rate of less than 30%. This means that you only about 30% of what is in your bottle, pick up. Dietary supplements are designed purely for making money. They produce just enough so you notice a small difference, and why they buy again.
22nd to hire a personal trainer is one of the best investments you can make. Yes, I know not all coaches are the same. I'm talking about the best that have a folder full of before and after photos and you can guarantee results.
23rd Money is a jealous and lethal power. " Money you can make for more freedom, but not really set you free.
24th Dehne Up at least half as long as you lift weights. If you 4 hours a week lifting weights, stretching out for at least 2 hours. If not, your body controls inevitably lead to a violation.
25th "Acitve Release Therapy (ART) in my experience one of the most effective forms of therapy in general. Find a reputable ART therapist if you suffer from injuries.
26th My decision to participate in my first fitness class competition, was the only decision that has ever really motivated me to build the best body of my life.
27th I love short e-mails that were written in short, concise sentences. Learn how can you communicate time-efficient.
28th Deadlift exercise is the best reason of all. No other exercise has the same potential for the body such as the deadlift.
29th Body weight exercises you should master before you even serious about using external weights. I always find it funny when people try to create the pulldowns with 90 kilos of cheating, but not a single hammer out clean chin.
30th Impression without expression leads to depression. This means that people can be inspired by ideas, but do not set them and are thus depressed.
31st No eggs, no glory. If you're not bleeding at the end of your workouts, sweating and crying, I put your training intensity openly questioned.
32nd Buy you a gym mat and use it every day for stretching. Stop it, you just focus on strength and muscle size, without retaining the quality of the tissue in the eye.
33rd Write everything. This will help you to clarify your goals and to use the past for building the future.
34th Find a mentor. This will speed up your learning and get you closer to your goal.
35th Thin Linnets never be wider, as long as they do not start to invest more money into food and more time in the kitchen itself and in cleaning the kitchen.
36. Stop it, to train with your girlfriend. I've even tried a few weeks ago. And as much as I love my girlfriend, it's simply impossible to make such progress!
37th Machines are not always the best choice. They are only alternatives and are primarily created for it to earn the producer and the sales and more profit. They will tell you that was the newest, most superior machine and it is worth your attention. I see it differently.
38th I've had no more stupid by reading a book. (Except that of Britney Spears' Heart to Heart). It makes me mad when someone asks me, "the book is worth the money? Self, if you could only get a single new idea in that it would not worth it? How can you know about "rate" for?
39th Most people believe that cardio is the best way to lose fat. Thanks to discover programs such as the Craig Ballantyne, Tom Venuto Alwyn Cosgrove and we value the high-intensity circuit training, to boost our 24-hour metabolism.
40th If You complete three Quardizeps exercises such as leg presses, lunges and leg extensions, then you are well advised to, as well as 3 Hüftübungen deadlift with straight legs to complete good mornings and squats, to prevent an imbalance in the pelvic area.
41st If you 3 horizontal "Press-exercises" such as bench press, incline press, incline press and negative absolvierst, you are well advised to, to also complete three horizontal Zugübugen, like rowing in a sitting position, bent-over rowing and rowing reverses.
42nd Unilateral exercises are underestimated compared to two-page often. Do not believe me? Take a one-legged squat where you go right down to the bottom deep, instead of making a biped. Tell me then, how `s was on ...
43rd You are one of the top 5 people with whom you spend the most time. Surround yourself with Pimps and players, and you will probably itself become a Pimp and Player. Surround yourself with millionaires and you will probably become a millionaire. Surround yourself with types that are wider and more defined than you are and you'll probably even like them.
44th If you train only for muscle growth, it has two sides. A larger training volume with less than maximum weights and more repetitions. Or a lower training volume with maximum weights and fewer repetitions. Both will work.
45th Almost every training program will work if the stimulus is appropriate, the recovery and the supply of quality calories right.
46th I'm still waiting to see the massive muscle mass, in which people are afraid that they Would lose if they are to go on a diet.
47th You do not know what you do not know.
48th If a dietary supplement has not been proven at least 3 years and has passed so that the test of survival, I will not waste any second of my precious time with it and instead continue to occupy myself with my training and nutrition plans.
49th You'll get the same as last year if you do the same as last year.

About Author:

Vince DelMonte is the founder of and the author of "Muscle Building - The Key For Thin asparagus to muscle mountain."
Vince DelMonte is "Natural Bodybuilding" competitor and fitness model, personal trainer, freelance writer and fitness consultant. He has his work helped hundreds of average types to transform their bodies .
© 2006-2009, Vince DelMonte Fitness. All rights reserved. This article may be reproduced and used as long as both the article and the part is "About the Author" used together, and all links are entered. This article may not be sold alone or as part of a package.



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