Every day muscle building
Strength training is not only a great body, are also healthy!
Vince has to write an article that I will not deny them!
Vince DelMonte Muscle Building
Why strength training to health is
By Vince DelMonte
interested While some contemporaries only the aesthetic aspect of the muscles, this aspect for the majority of people but rather secondary. So if you more interested in the health aspect of strength training should have interest ...
Far too many people underestimate the many advantages in terms of health and general fitness when it comes to strength training. Therefore they suffer along with the years, to low bone density / osteoporosis, a slow metabolic rate, increased stress and other negative consequences associated with life stress.
to low bone density / osteoporosis
strength training is one of the best methods for increasing your bone density and prevent osteoporosis and bone fragility.
Many people think running is the best method to increase bone density, but that is not necessarily the case. The truth is that running promotes excessive joint wear and tear, while strength training, properly performed, contributes to stability and that of the bone.
Reduced susceptibility to injury
If you do strength training, not only your muscles stronger, but your tendons, ligaments, joints and other tissues such as connective tissue. This reduces the risk of injury and thus the frequency of injuries in other sports.
In case you have ever had the experience of an injury, you probably know how frustrating it can be. In about 80% of cases, the injury a direct result of the fact that the tendons and ligaments are not strong enough for the force has acted on it were.
Because strength training seeing all these bands and low-lying claims, it is absolutely the best precaution against injury.
reduction of health risks
Many studies have shown that regular strength training has a positive effect with regard to health. This results in reduced insulin resistance, lower blood pressure, prevention of diabetes, coronary heart disease and even cancer.
If you combine a rock-solid strength training with a balanced diet, you go to the most effective step to ward off these chronic diseases.
prevention of obesity
more regular strength training you are running, the faster your metabolism, and the more food you need to keep up your weight. If the news is not fantastic for the fight against body fat, then I do not know.
Another big problem that many people have is faith, strength training would automatically lead to massive and muscular to be.
course, this is not the case.
I want to do a comparison to illustrate this:
A team receives 10 000 bricks to build a house and the other 1,000. Which team will
It is very simple - Team 1, because they have more bricks to build it. These stones are represented by the calories you through the food you feed star. As long as you do not aufnimmst enough calories, you will not build big muscles. This is what makes the difference and can even look like bodybuilders bodybuilder.
It's not just about how you train, but also about how you eat. (If you've ever had a teenage son, who grew up in your house, you know very well how much food you in order to grow quickly.)
Whether adolescent growth in the length or muscle building, calorie must be sufficiently available to allow the growth process can take place at all.
You can not build a house from scratch. So you can train as much as you want, but if not enough bricks are available - in the form of amino acids, carbohydrates and fats, you will not find much muscle growth.
decay that is not the faith that you will build up due to the strength training session, a large mass of muscles. If you limitierst your food intake, it will not happen.
I hope I have that now clarified. You will not turn out so simply by strength training in a muscle mountain. Many people actually believe this - but in fact it depends above all on the diet, as your body is shaped.
If you decide against using my washboard abs training program for you, I will accompany you in how you achieved with the proper weight training and proper abdominal training techniques with minimum effort, maximum results. (Why you should stay longer in the gym than you need?)
you I will also provide nutrition plans that are made to ensure that you get the best results without You build it like that too much muscle mass - the plans are designed so that you melt off the fat, so you cast leaner and more defined.
you to choose to skip the strength training for your workout, is without doubt the biggest mistake you can commit to you if you want to improve on a long term your health and your general health. Let this opportunity pass by not to you.
---------------------------------- About the Author: Vince DelMonte
is the founder of www.VinceDelMonteFitness.de and the author of " Muscle Building - The Key For thin asparagus For Muskelberg . Vince DelMonte is
"Natural Bodybuilding" competitor and fitness model, personal trainer, freelance writer and fitness consultant. He has his work helped hundreds of average types to transform their bodies.
© 2006-2009, Vince DelMonte Fitness. All rights reserved. This article may be reproduced and used as long as both the article and the part is "About the Author" used together, and all links are entered. This article may not be sold alone or as part of a package.
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