excerpt from the activities of the former group:
18th August at 12:58
thoughts on collaboration and partnerships.
together the perfect partnership. netcommunic gmbh) http://ceosecurityguide.blogspot.com/2007/05/gemeinsam-zur-perfekten-partnerschaft.html
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24th August at 15:50
How do we reach decision makers?
addition to the evaluation of new technologies, consulting, service and integration of our solutions, I deal with the issues surrounding the acquisition of new customers.
here to be a place for shared ideas and tips on successful strategies. Himself I am convinced of the method of referral marketing.
Why should partners do not come together in this area and promote each other for each other?
How can we implement something like that, I would like to ask this question in the room.
I look forward to suggestions and I myself sketching ideas in the upcoming days.
08th September at 12:07
advertising on Facebook
News from München.In the coming days netcommunic starts an advertising campaign on Facebook. Exposed
the services sector, consulting expertise and our solutions.
The reference is made to the website
. As a personal consultant, I will attach the same time my CV as advertising on Facebook. The landing page can be found here: http://sites.google.com/site/larisch/
The success I will keep you informed! Greetings from Munich Ralf Larisch -----------------------
08th September at 12:14
Online - Event (Knowledge Centre) of the partner netcom Topic: How do we reach decision makers?
09th September at 10:49
Corporate Communications 2.0. The Corporate Social Media Newsroom "is a prime example of a company.
score companies with platforms for dialogue not only with employees.
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09th September at 11:11
Dell Windows XP installations deliver only until October 22 .(...)
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10th September at 8:35
2.0 The work is young and works with which he grew up! Not only the communication has changed, just the way - as it were the philosophy that was at first perhaps a vision that Generation Y is and many are wondering what they expect from us? consider
"Millennials ... ... work as a central part of life and not as a separate area that they must bring their personal lives in balance.
why the Millennials also particularly important that they see their job as satisfying ... "
http://wissen.harvardbusinessmanager.de/wissen/static/trefferliste2.html?dokid=70933355 # ref = rss
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16th September at 13:28
Online - Event of the netcommunic gmbh
topic: information is to create added value
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28th September at 9:13
USA. Plans for integrated monitoring of online communications.
What effects can be a possible or enforcement alone is the thought experiment for network companies have?
http://www.nytimes.com/2010/09/27/us/27wiretap.html?_r=1&WT.mc_id=US-SM-E-FB-SM-LIN- UWT-092 710-NYT-NA & WT.
mc_ev = click ----------------------- 30th September at 10:43
work on the acceptance of SaaS The software - subscription service (SaaS) is gaining in potential and benefits.
However, the agreements and privacy policies are now a clear element of uncertainty for buyers and consultants! Providers, providers of Mitlösungen, such as SaaS and cloud-based services could score points with customers when the data protection compliance requirements of their customers would take greater account.
Certainly it will not take long for the endeavor organizations, a credit rating - an evaluation to create, a provider of SaaS-based solutions -.
Which provider shall ensure the full catalog of compliance with data protection and conform to the law according to § 11 BDSG - for Software as a Service (SaaS). § 11 BDSG http://bundesrecht.juris.de/bdsg_1990/__11.html
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06th October at 14:52
good forecasts. "Companies are once again investing in business software." I am particularly pleased, "... If Companies introduce today business software, they make much higher expectations of the products than previous board generations. "For the can infer that grappling with the decision makers personally and intensely with the purchases and their benefits ...
http : / / www.computerwoche.de/top100/2010/software/2354238/
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October 11 at 11:24
work on the Internet (Author: Ralf Larisch
formulated very simply, I use a service for a certain time, because of that settlement. more>>>
h ttp: / / ceosecurityguide.blogspot.com/2010/10/arbeiten-im-internet.html
15th October at 14:26
The media days in Munich are not part of my field - yet closely with my business.
(mass) media, thus affecting our business communication, thinking ... and I soon as they affect our business culture, strategic alignment - ect dealing with customers, prospects, partners. .
develop through the media, new business models. Internet is a medium, subject matter and ultimately a way of achieving target.
The media days are for me economic advice, trend, trend research and confirmation of its own forecasts. Mathias Döpfner, CEO of Axel Springer has my in his keynote personal nerve. From the 52 minutes Mr Döpfner.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hFqnpzMgGk&feature=player_embedded #!
26th October at 12:04
With this contribution, we are quite the topic of netcommunic.
Self-organizing groups of experts can cost interdisciplinary Solve problems. But in many organizations, the initiatives have lost momentum. A study now shows that communities are a powerful management tool if they are more like ...
http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.harvardbusinessmanager.de 2Fheft%% 2Fnews% 2Fa-709654.ht
ml & h = 5bcd5
31st October at 14:32
As an independent I am interested in the topic of "advertising" - and PR - Online Marketing. A great post on last Saturday on "The History of Advertising Films" - Süddeutsche Zeitung - TV magazine on VOX.
one for me credible and verifiable evidence of Mr David Eicher (the GF ... webguerillas), he says, "... advertising finds little acceptance.
In terms of Internet advertising (Webefläche Banner), the following statement ... Clip length 0:52 Sec.
Only for internal purposes. (
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JplphMJE0io ) -----------------------
Tuesday at 8:27
A concept that I follow with my netcommunic GmbH since 1994. Especially small companies should also boost your knowledge of cooperation, or even with newcomers to the industry.
knowledge regarded as capital.
with most of my partners I work together shoulder to shoulder, after completed project phases flows knowledge to inform each other in both directions around. (...)
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